Sunday, February 23, 2020

Branding Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Branding Marketing - Essay Example There is also the suggestion that the environments without harsh government restrictions like the U.S. market have been the avenues to favor the success of entrance of the new brands. The section has reviewed the history of the beer market and the current trends in the consumption that aid the progress of the Monterrey Beer product. Competitive Analysis The section has clearly mentioned the other products that offer competition to Monterrey Brewing Company. With the inclusion of the market share in the leading products, there is the realization of the scope of marketing need to advertise the product. The author has further compared the available brands of the advertised product to the competitors, which offer the needed analysis in the consumer trend. The competitors have been listed with the leading brand and the marketing strategy that they apply to gain the needed profit. The author should construct a table to compare the measures to be applied by Monterrey in advertising to be co mpared to the leading brands. With a chronological list of the brands within a table that accords comparison, the author is able to convince the target of the relationship of the brand with the competitors, and the needed measures for proper marketing (Pride, Hughes & Kapoor, 2012). However, there is a detailed account of the competitors and their prevalence within the market giving Monterrey an adequate position. Brand Strategic Plan Vision The vision of the beer holds all the components required for adequate marketing with the flavor included and the motive of the brand to consumers. However, the vision should mention the performance of the established brand as compared to the known beers. The phrase should include the provision of the Monterrey to offer the realized satisfaction as compared to the known brands in the market. Objectives The objective clearly outlines the motive of the company to enter into the competitive market with the two leading brands in Ale and Ginger Light. The author further lists the objective to strengthen relations in the market to the consumers by offering satisfaction. Strategies The 4Ps are accorded the needed definition to offer the proper marketing strategy in the market. The author gives detailed description of the product that is needed to accord the identity and distinction from the other brands. The mention of the pricing and the communication measures to be applied has been properly mentioned with Monterrey as a new product. The author has captured the section in detail, and this has completed the needed instructions to complete the strategy section to offer evidence of the marketing provision. Target Customer Segmentation Analysis The section contains the necessary information on the consumer demographic but the author should offer the listing on a table format. This is because tables are easier to interpret and allow for the analysis of the market condition with the changes made with market fluctuation. The author also issues explanation on the consumption trend that is affected with the existence of product variety. Consumer Insight The author has included the needed measures to communicate with the consumers. The strategy to include the updated communication channels for advertising and connection to the customers prove ideal in the modern society. Growth of new products within the market is supported by the application of modernized measures in connecting to the consumers that are faster and cheaper. Brand Essence The author has included the steps applied in manufacturing the finalized product to create assurance to the consumers of the product utilized. The Brand Essence section has been accorded the description to show the professionalism of the company and their ability to compete

Friday, February 7, 2020

Evaluation Questions and Data Collection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Evaluation Questions and Data Collection - Essay Example The task becomes formidable when the ultimate objects of the evaluation are latchkey children. An abandoned child lacking the custody and care of the natural parental environment cannot find satisfactory solace and nurture in an attention span of a few hours. Child rearing is a 24 hours job. Since the evaluation is undertaken for children facing deprivation and their neighborhood, the stakeholders cannot but be those largely based in the locality. Thus, the stakeholders comprise the school whose facilities are being used for the purpose of after-school care for the target children, the school authorities, the ministry of education, the parents of the regular students, child psychologists, donors and well-wishers of the school, and all others who have personal interest in the school such as former students. (Report on the causes of poverty and Civil Society Recommendations for the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper in Montenegro) The first evaluation questionnaire is addressed to the stakeholders in order to get their views to what extent they are prepared to go to fill the gap necessary to restore normalcy in the children's lives. A group discussion is ideal for the purpose of eliciting view from a group of 12-15 individuals representing different segment of the stakeholders. The questionnaire will dwell on personal information to begin with like name, age, sex, occupation, marital status, number of children, and move on to areas of interest like favorite sports, extra curricular activities, club membership. Thereafter, questions addressing the objectivity of the evaluation and seeking information on the stakeholder's personal involvement with any children's organization, local or international and since how long, must be included. One or two direct questions asking if they are ready for adoption must also be included. Since financial needs meet only a part of the deprived child's requirement, questions desiring information on the amount of time the stakeholder is capable of spending with the child or children must also find place in the framework. Undoubtedly, the exercise is intended to not only involve individuals but also the entire community. The issue of latchkey students impacts the entire community because it assumes social implications. The consequence of ignoring deprived children has all too often proved disastrous with criminal elements only too ready to accept them for their own ignoble purposes. (David A. Dzewaltowski et al) Questions for the deprived children The framework to fix questionnaire for evaluation and data collection of latchkey students is complex and challenging for the simple reason no two child are alike. One deprived student may be doing exceptionally well in studies, while another may be normal or mediocre. It is in