Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects Of Single Mothers On The Welfare System Essay

Many researchers have been studying welfare to work, but not until recently has the focus resurfaced on the increase number of single mothers who left welfare for work and went back to the welfare system. According to the 2012 U.S. National Census Bureau,† Single mothers are heading more family households and living in poverty. Almost 31% of households headed by a single woman were living below the poverty line—nearly five times the 6.3% poverty rate for families headed by a married couple† ( U.S. Census Bureau, 2012). Without the necessary income, perceived support, childcare resource and training, the move is a downward mobility from welfare independence back into the welfare system. The most recent statistics which was taken in 2014, showed how single parent households have increased by 80% (U.S. Census Bureau, 2014). Statistically, â€Å" numbers show that millions of women and children live on the edge of a fiscal cliff: more than one in seven women live in poverty and over half of all poor children are in families headed by women† ( U.S. Census Bureau, 2012) ). With female headed household living in poverty or deep poverty the increase is high for families to meet basic needs. We look for this to increase as more females who have worked quit their jobs and go back into the welfare system as a means of surviving the cliff effect (Harris, 1996). This paper attempts to answer the questions of whether single mothers who have worked regressed back into the welfareShow MoreRelatedThe Reforms Of Public Benefits For Needy Families1476 Words   |  6 Pagesthe U.S. and specifically single mothers, which took place in August of 1996, was an important step since its inception with FDR in 1935. 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